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Answers to Frequently Asked QuestionsSponsorsSponsors of our programs include many different kinds of organizations . . . mostly bar associations and law schools, but also universities, high schools, theatres and churches.Length of ProgramsOur plays run an hour and a half to two hours, including a fifteen minute intermission, but can be adapted for shorter performance needs.Use of Our PerformanceOur live performances are used in a variety of ways . . . as Continuing Legal Education programs, entertainment for bar association meetings and conventions, law day programs for the public, professionalism classes for law schools and high school and university classes. The plays cover a variety of subjects that can be used for classes and topics . . . including government, law, history, civics, diversity, civil rights, Constitutional rights, the death penalty, labor and management, the Bill of Rights and others.Sponsors wanting to use our plays as educational programs are encouraged to include a post performance discussion using members of the local bar and/or school faculty s as panel presenters to facilitate audience discussion. A one-hour discussion period is recommended. Technical Specifications for a PerformanceOur programs are quite portable and can be performed in most any location . . . including classrooms, church sanctuaries, hotel ballrooms, and moot court rooms, as well as in more traditional theatre spaces. The performance area needs to be at least 12' deep and 16' wide. Staging needs are minimal and flexible and we provide our own sets and props . . . and lighting when necessary. We can work with whatever facility the sponsor provides.Promotion AssistanceWe provide promotional assistance to our sponsors by providing photos, press releases, descriptions of the programs, and anything else the sponsor needs to successfully promote the program.Continuing Legal Education (CLE) CreditAll of our performance programs have been approved for CLE credit in most states. Approval ranges from three to three and a half hours of CLE credit (including a 60 to 75 minute post performance discussion), depending on individual state MCLA requirements. These credit hours usually include Ethics and Professionalism.CLE Materials and Discussion PanelWe provide sponsors with a camera ready or electronic set of CLE or study materials for use with our performance programs. We also provide guidelines for choosing panelists for the post performance discussion.Performance Fees and ExpensesFees and expenses depend on the number of performances, travel distance, and whether other performances are booked in the same area around the same time. We will work with organizations on an individual basis and can customize a proposal to fit the needs of and individual organization. Special pricing structures are available for organizations wishing to present a program in multiple locations. Travel expenses are shared if we have more than one program booked on the same trip.How to Preview Our PlaysPreview videos or DVDs (12 - 28 minutes) of our plays are available on request. They provide a glimpse of the content of the play and quality of the actor(s) and production. |